Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 4 - September 28 - October 2

Project Lead The Way - We are well underway with PLTW! The students have been working well with their partners, planning designs, researching robots, and getting ready for the next steps. Be sure to ask your child about what they are creating. We are working on this every day so there should always be something new.

Camp Packets - You should have received this packet on Friday. There is a lot of information included but often parents have questions. On Monday, October 5th at 6pm there will be a camp information meeting in the cafeteria.

Conferences - If you were unable to attend Curriculum Night you should have received a notice about available conference times. Please check your top 2 choices. I will fill in slots as the papers are returned.

Picture Day - This Thursday! You can send in orders or do your ordering online.

Math Work - We have been studying the difference between area and volume. The students have been working with 2D and 3D shapes and discovering ways in which these can be measured. Your child should be working on Xtramath if we have not had time to work on it during the day. They can also use their Connect Ed math account to play and practice games.

Book Orders - Look for a paper copy Scholastic Book Orders to come home. You can also access the orders by clicking on the link on this page and ordering directly online.

Here's a PERK (Parent Education and Resource Knowledge) for you...

25 Ways To Ask "How Was School Today?"
#1.  What was the best thing that happened at school today?  (What was the worst thing that happened at school today?)
#2.  Tell me something that made you laugh today.
#3.  If you could choose who would you like to sit by in class?  (Who would you NOT want to sit by in class?  Why?)
#4.  Where is the coolest place at the school?
#5.  Tell me a weird word that you heard today.  (Or something weird that someone said.)
#6.  If I called your teacher tonight what would she tell me about you?
#7.  How did you help somebody today?
#8.  How did somebody help you today?
#9.  Tell me one thing that you learned today.
#10.  When were you the happiest today?
#11.  When were you bored today?
#12.  If an alien spaceship came to your class and beamed up someone who would you want them to take?
#13.  Who would you like to play with at recess that you’ve never played with before?
#14.  Tell me something good that happened today.
#15.  What word did your teacher say most today?
#16.  What do you think you should do/learn more of at school?
#17.  What do you think you should do/learn less of at school?
#18.  Who in your class do you think you could be nicer to?
#19.  Where do you play the most at recess?
#20.  Who is the funniest person in your class?  Why is he/she so funny?
#21.  What was your favorite part of lunch?
#22.  If you got to be the teacher tomorrow what would you do?
#23.  Is there anyone in your class that needs a time out?
#24.  If you could switch seats with anyone in the class who would you trade with?  Why?
#25.  Tell me about three different times you used your pencil today at school.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 3 - September 21 - 25

Curriculum Night is here!
Be sure to come to Curriculum Night to hear about what will happen in 5th grade this year. The evening begins at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. Come up to room A-8 at 7:00pm to hear about the year, sign up for conferences, and check out some of your child's work. At 7:30pm visit with the Special Area teachers.

Conference Nights - Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 21; Thursday, October 22; Tuesday, October 27; and Thursday, October 29. Conferences are 25 minutes long and will begin at 4:15pm each day. Please check your calendars ahead of time and have a couple of options for signing up.

PLTW - Project Lead The Way is beginning on Monday, September 21. Our schedule will change slightly from now until the week of November 9. This allows us to experience this new hands on science program. Be sure to ask your child about what they have done this week.

Items we need: 
- tissues
- disinfectant wipes
- Expo cleaner for the white board
- thin expo markers for individual student use
Thank you to everyone who has donated items to the classroom already. It is truly appreciated!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 2 - September 14 - 18

Curriculum Night is coming! Please be sure to join us on Monday, September 21 from 6:30 - 8pm. You will get a chance to meet teachers, find out about what happens in fifth grade, and learn about camp.

NWEA - It's already time to start the testing. We will be in the computer lab on Tuesday, September 15 at 9 a.m. for NWEA math and on Wednesday, September 16 at 9 a.m. for NWEA reading. Please help your child be successful by making sure they get some sleep the night before and have something to eat before coming to school in the morning.

Science - We have started our first science unit - ENERGY! We will work on this for this week and then transition into our Project Lead The Way work. The fifth graders will be working on building robots and programming them. Below are some pictures from the beginning of our first science unit.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week 1 - September 8-11

Welcome to Mrs. Embry's fifth grade class!
I'm very excited to start a new school year at Pattengill. I'm looking forward to a year of learning and growing for all of my students. Please be sure to visit this page for updates, information on the classroom and the school, and resources that could be helpful. 

Curriculum Night
September 21 is Curriculum Night. Look for more information to come home about this.

Registration Forms On Line
If you have not had an opportunity to fill out the on line registration for your child, please do so as soon as possible. This is replacing the many forms that we used to send home on the first day of school. 

ELMAC Intern
My class will be joined this year by Jazmin Birdsong. She is an intern with the University of Michigan. Read more about Ms. Birdsong in the opening day letter.