Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 3

Curriculum Night This Week!
Please join us on Tuesday, September 16 from 6:30 - 8pm. Learn about what happens in 5th grader, a bit about camp, and meet the special area teachers. 

The students are now working in their Everyday Math journals. There will usually be homework every night except Fridays. Please be sure that they have time to complete this. 

Your child should be reading every night for 30 minutes. All fifth grade teachers will be working on having your child read a "just right" book. We are well under way with our reading classes.

Every day the students fill out their planners before going home. The information is written on the board and the students are expected to fill this information out. Please be sure to check this over and sign the planner each evening. I check this first thing in the morning. If you have any questions, you can write them to me in the planner. 

Be sure to check out the blog link to our pictures page. I will be adding to this as the year goes on. This is a great way to ask your child what went on in the classroom.

25 Ways To Ask "How Was School Today?"
#1.  What was the best thing that happened at school today?  (What was the worst thing that happened at school today?)
#2.  Tell me something that made you laugh today.
#3.  If you could choose who would you like to sit by in class?  (Who would you NOT want to sit by in class?  Why?)
#4.  Where is the coolest place at the school?
#5.  Tell me a weird word that you heard today.  (Or something weird that someone said.)
#6.  If I called your teacher tonight what would she tell me about you?
#7.  How did you help somebody today?
#8.  How did somebody help you today?
#9.  Tell me one thing that you learned today.
#10.  When were you the happiest today?
#11.  When were you bored today?
#12.  If an alien spaceship came to your class and beamed up someone who would you want them to take?
#13.  Who would you like to play with at recess that you’ve never played with before?
#14.  Tell me something good that happened today.
#15.  What word did your teacher say most today?
#16.  What do you think you should do/learn more of at school?
#17.  What do you think you should do/learn less of at school?
#18.  Who in your class do you think you could be nicer to?
#19.  Where do you play the most at recess?
#20.  Who is the funniest person in your class?  Why is he/she so funny?
#21.  What was your favorite part of lunch?
#22.  If you got to be the teacher tomorrow what would you do?
#23.  Is there anyone in your class that needs a time out?
#24.  If you could switch seats with anyone in the class who would you trade with?  Why?
#25.  Tell me about three different times you used your pencil today at school.