Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 7

Math - On Monday we took the Unit 2 test. Most of the students finished although some will need to finish on Tuesday morning. Look at an earlier post for the outcomes for Unit 2.

Reading - Students are working on learning about character traits and how characters change in a story. This is something that you can ask your child about when he or she does 30 minutes of reading every night.

Camp Update - It looks like we are a go for camp. Please be sure to check your camp packing list for the items that you need to be prepared. We will keep families updated as we receive more information.

Family Movie Night - This Friday at the Bryant Gym from 5:30 - 8pm. Students must be accompanied by a parent or other adult.

Conferences are beginning next week. I will be sending home reminders. Please bring your child with you to the conference if this is possible. It is helpful for goal setting purposes.