Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 23

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a chance to rest up at least a bit over the mid-winter break. Spring break is about 6 weeks away and we have a lot to do between now and then. Please be sure to remind your child to read 30 minutes daily, complete all math homework, practice Xtramath (if they are still on the program) and practice M-Step.

M-Step is the replacement test for the MEAP. The Michigan Department of Education has recently uploaded a practice version that allows students to choose the grade level and test (Language Arts or math for fifth grade) to practice. There is a link to this on the right side of this page. The username and password are displayed for your child to type in. Practicing on this ahead of time will make taking the test less anxiety ridden and easier (hopefully) for to focus. You must use Google Chrome when working on the practice M-Step.

Read-A-Thon will begin this Friday, February 27. Your child will be bringing home information about this. Students at Pattengill can turn in one raffle ticket for every 1/2 hour that is read away from school. The last day to turn in raffle tickets will be the morning of Wednesday, March 11th. Forms for Read-A-Thon will be available on the school website no later than Wednesday, February 25th.

Science Fair is Thursday, February 26th from 6 - 7:30. Students should bring in their projects Thursday morning. They will be set up in the gym and each class will have an opportunity to walk through and look at projects. All students should be prepared to take home projects after the science fair evening event. If you are unable to attend the science fair your child can pick up their project on Friday from the classroom.